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Fertilizer effect of fermented chicken manure

Fermented chicken manure contains major elements such as nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as trace elements such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron, providing a comprehensive source of nutrients for crops.These elements are contained as an organic state or an inorganic state, and components mainly as an organic state such as nitrogen change into a form that can be used for crops as the organic matter is decomposed, and are gradually used for crops. Ingredients such as potassium, which are mainly as inorganic substances, are used in crops quickly. Carbon dioxide generated when fermented chicken manure decomposes in soil promotes anabolic action of crops. In addition, fermented chicken manure contains hormones and enzymes, uricase,that promote the growth of crops.

What is the difference between the effects of fermented chicken manure and chemical fertilizers?

1. Slow-acting fertilizer

Fermented chicken manure provides nutrients to plants similar to chemical fertilizers, but its effect will be gradually effective, different from chemical fertilizers. When fertilizing chicken manure every year, organic substances that are difficult to decompose will accumulate in the soil, and the nutrients provided will gradually increase. Such cumulative effects are not found in chemical fertilizers.

2. Soil agglomeration progresses

When fertilizing fermented chicken manure into the soil, the organic matter in the fermented chicken manure will be decomposed by microorganisms, the organic substances that are not easily decomposed by microorganisms still in the soil will become humus.Humus combines with soil to promote soil agglomeration. When the soil agglomeration takes place, a relatively large gap is formed between the agglomerated soil particles, making the soil soft and easy to cultivate. And the roots of the plants are easy to grow. In addition, the voids created between the agglomerated soil particles will drain water, improve aeration, increase nutrient absorption and absorb water from plant roots, to improve plant growth. Water holding capacity is also maintained because there are small gaps inside the soil. The soil improvement effect of fermented chicken manure will not be possible in chemical fertilizer application.

3. Improve soil bioactivity

When fermenting chicken manure is applied, soil animals such as earthworms, aphids, and earthworms will become active in the soil, and make the fermented chicken manure softer. Therefore, fermented chicken manure is easily decomposed by microorganisms. The organic matter in fermented chicken manure will be food and make the number of microorganisms in the soil increase. When the number of microorganisms in the soil increases, it will be active, not only fertilizing fermented chicken manure, but also promoting the decomposition of accumulated organic matter. This is called the Priming effect. trigger effect), and this effect releases many nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil.

4. Expected to control soil diseases and pests

Fermented chicken manure has been reported to increase microbial diversity in the soil and reduce plant pests and diseases. For example, the application of fermented chicken manure prevented the occurrence of tomato wilt disease, cucumber stem blight and white radish leaf yellow disease, and the application of fermented chicken manure reduced the number of worms harmful to plants.

5. Increases soil fertility

The application of fermented chicken manure increases the ability of the soil to retain nutrients (ammonium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, …). This is because organic matter builds up in the soil and the soil’s ability to retain cations (cation exchange capacity = CEC) increases. When the CEC is increased in this way, the fertilizer composition is less washed away by rainwater, and the soil fertility is also improved.

6. Increase the texture of phosphoric acidhoric

Volcanic ash and acidic soils are widely distributed in Japan, so they contain a large amount of activated aluminum, when combined with phosphoric acid applied with aluminum, making phosphoric acid less soluble, difficult for plants to absorb and harmful to roots. .However, if fermented chicken manure is applied at this time, humic acids, organic acids, sugars and similar substances present in fermented chicken manure will combine with activated aluminum to form a compound known as chelation. , can prevent the harmful effects of activated aluminum. Therefore, the application of fermented chicken manure increases the effect of phosphate fertilizers.

How to use

1. Land for rice cultivation 300-500kg / 1000

Among organic fertilizers, in terms of fertilizer in rice cultivation, nitric acid is easily reduced in rice fields, and fermented chicken manure with high nitrogen concentration can be used as an alternative to chemical fertilizers. The amount of fermented chicken manure to replace chemical fertilizer is the amount of manure obtained by subtracting 2% from the total nitrogen. Fermented chicken manure can fertilize about 30 ~ 35 kg of nitrogen when applied with a dose of 1 ton / 10a, in order to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer equivalent, when used with the desired effect of fertilizer, more than a month before planting, it is necessary to fertilize in the near future, need to plow the soil carefully and ferment in the soil so as not to damage the manure.

2. Root vegetables 800 kg / 1000 m2

Root vegetables, and potatoes grown in holes in the ground

(Root vegetables,)
For radishes, carrots, burdock roots, etc., which grow directly below the roots, they should be fertilized. It is recommended to plant these vegetables in two rows, dig a row in the middle of the eel, cow dung is poured in and covered, and seeds are sown on either side of the sedge. That way, since there’s no cow dung directly under the roots, the roots will grow straight. For example, radishes do not halve or bend due to the effects of fertilizers. Roots will grow horizontally from this part and absorb nutrients from cow manure. For busy people, sowing radishes right after the previous work is done, fertilizing is a good way.


(Kinds of Potatoes)
For potatoes, place the cups between seed potatoes planted 50 cm apart. It depends on the fertilizer composition of the chicken manure, but around 2% nitrogen is fine. At the time of harvest, the potatoes are wrapped in chicken manure that has been strung up like a net. However, because it grows more slowly than chemical fertilizers, it is not possible to use chicken manure in areas where potatoes are grown in rice fields already in May. Autumn is okay. Similarly, taro can put chicken manure between the holes. If a large amount of potato seed is added, the tubers will burn and degrade in concentration, and the above ground will reassemble. Alternatively, it is most effective to spread manure on a plant and then gather the soil.

3. Leafy vegetables 1000kg / 1000㎡

Use for all leafy vegetables

Leaves are often planted in abundance. Fertilize and mix with soil 7 days before sowing. Kale, bok choy, spinach, etc. are effective because they are sown or planted in abundance. And onions are also spread on the surface. However, if you spread too much, it will be easy to get sick, the onions will be waterlogged, and after the summer, they will easily rot. Soybeans are not dense but still spread all over the surface. Soybeans also need a lot of fertilizer, so sprinkle a certain amount. Spinach can weigh about 300kg/10a if it is dry chicken manure with about 4% nitrogen. However, if you use it too much every year, the soil will become hard, so be careful when applying fertilizer.

4. Fruit vegetables 1000kg / 1000㎡

Fruit vegetables are applied fruits that grow away from the roots.

After planting cucumbers, eggplants, melons, pumpkins, and peppers, dip the chicken manure in the center of the plant or away from the plant. If space allows, bury 1m away from the seedling. However, fertilization should be done within a few days of planting. Roots grow faster. The roots of cucumbers grow where there is chicken manure, but if you fertilize chickens where the roots are, it will be harmful.

5. Fruit tree

No need to worry about slow fruiting, including lime application

For fruit trees, if the supply of nitrogen is too much, it will affect the color and sugar content of the fruit, so chicken manure is an unpopular fertilizer ingredient. In fact, we don’t use much cow dung for fruit trees like mandarin and grapes. However, there needs to be a way to get the most out of chicken manure. For example, spread 15 kg of fermented chicken manure per tree with mandarin. Since lime tends to be used sparingly in orchards, this method can be used quite effectively against slow-acting chicken manure. The slow effect of chicken manure is only about 2 kg / ton, so there is no problem. Chicken manure looks good if applied in the spring of March.